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March 22, 2005

Happy World Water Day and "Water for Life" Decade

Today is the annual World Water Day and also begins the UN "Water for Life" Decade.

"People who can turn on a tap and have safe and clean water to drink, to cook with and to bathe in often take it for granted, and yet more than 1 billion of our fellow human beings have little choice but to use potentially harmful sources of water," said Dr. Lee Jong-Wook, head of the World Health Organization.
from "United Nations Marks World Water Day," by Erica Bulman, Associated Press Writer in the Guardian

also of interest:
UN Water for Life Decade Website

in AlterNet, an article declaring access to water a basic right for refugees

in People's Daily Online (a service of the Chinese Xinhua news
organization), word that 40 Nepali children die everyday from water borne diseases

articles found via UN Wire

Posted by cj at March 22, 2005 1:40 PM

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