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March 22, 2005
Say it Again, New York Times
Mi chavo got annoyed with me this morning when I started screaming at the teevee. I am so angered by the politicization of Terry Schiavo's struggle to die with dignity - and the completely biased reporting in the mainstream media, particularly t.v. news. On the other hand, I completely agree with this commentary from the NYT (which I read in the International Herald Tribune):
Republicans have traditionally championed respect for the delicate balance the founders created. But in the Schiavo case, and in the battle to stop the Democratic filibusters of judicial nominations, President Bush and his Congressional allies have begun to enunciate a new principle: the rules of government are worth respecting only if they produce the result we want. It may be a formula for short-term political success, but it is no way to preserve and protect a great republic.I completely agree with the political points the NYT makes. I also recognize that for most people, this is more of an emotional issue than a rational one.
I guess I'm particularly sensitive to this case because I've lived through watching a loved one struggling to let go of her earthly coil. My grandmother died after a long and excruciating battle with lung cancer. She knew the end was near and she wanted to go, but doctors were not allowed to give her lethal doses of medication, which would have allowed her to die with dignity. Clearly, every human should be allowed to accept the inevitable and end his or her own life. I find it strange that the same society that awarded "The Sea Inside" the Best Foreign Film Academy Award is the same society whose Congressmen and President created these extraordinary circumstances.
Posted by cj at March 22, 2005 1:05 PM
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