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March 22, 2005
Redaction Used by Justice Dept to Cover Their Ass
In a high level case of CYA (cover your ass), the Justice Department redacted (blacked out) a memo on the treatment of Gitmo detainees for the sole purpose of covering up the conclusions of the memo. Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich) was quoted in WaPo:
Levin, who had pushed the Justice Department to release a version of the memo that included the new disclosures, yesterday sharply criticized the department's initial handling of it. "As I suspected, the previously withheld information had nothing to do with protecting intelligence sources and methods, and everything to do with protecting the DOD from embarrassment," Levin said.from "Justice Redacted Memo on Detainees: FBI Criticism of Interrogations Was Deleted." by R. Jeffrey Smith in WaPo
Posted by cj at March 22, 2005 9:49 AM
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