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March 10, 2005
Interesting Commentary on Shrub's War on Women's Rights
Via the Feminist Peace Network, I found "Dark Ages, Reprise How the Bush Administration is fighting a battle against the women of the world, and winning" by Katherine Brengle in Dissident Voice.
Although the article doesn't mention the USG's recent attempt to add anti-abortion language to the Beijing +10 declaration, and it is a bit more strident in tone than I would personally write, it includes tons of fascinating information. Apparently, I've been totally clueless for awhile now because I had no idea scientists had created a female sex-drive enhancer, Intrinsa, and that the FDA immediately rejected it. Nor did I know the Supreme Court refused to overturn the Alabama law that bans the sale or distribution of sex toys.
Posted by cj at March 10, 2005 10:46 AM
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