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March 9, 2005

Senators Continue to Lie and Screw Over Impoverished People

Perhaps my tone is too strident for you. Perhaps you have never lived through a family bankruptcy. The Senate is on its way to passing that terrible legislation that makes it more difficult for the poor to file for bankruptcy, and they're lying and saying its going to affect the rich. From Today's Papers:

The NYT off-leads and others report that a major overhaul of bankruptcy laws long-sought by the credit card industry is likely to pass the Senate after lawmakers rejected, by a 53-to-46, near-party-line vote, a Democratic amendment that had scuttled the measure in previous years. (The amendment would have prevented anti-abortion demonstrators from using bankruptcy protections to avoid court-ordered fines, a provision that rankles abortion foes in the House.) "The free ride is over for people who have higher incomes and can repay their debts," crowed Sen. Chuck Grassley. Except, oops: the WSJ points out inside that wealthy individuals are less likely to feel the impact of the legislation because of "significant loopholes" that allow them to shield their assets from creditors.
Emphasis added. I am so disgusted I could spit. Although, I'm not really surprised. What does surprise me is that poor and middle class people still call themselves Republicans. I'm not advocating class warfare - I'm simply saying that the Republicans in Congress and the Shrub in the White House have declared war on the poor and the struggling middle class both within this country and abroad. Proof of this war: this bankruptcy law change and the selection of Negroponte to be US Ambassador to the UN. What a joke! More on Negroponte in a bit.

Posted by cj at March 9, 2005 9:21 AM

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