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May 9, 2005
Sometimes I wonder why I allow comments on my blogs. It's not that I don't want to have a conversation. My problem is that sometimes it feels like I spend more time deleting spam than writing posts. Since my friend and helpful web-host added an MT Blacklist Plug-in, the spamming hasn't been quite as bad, but it's still annoying.
Then today I found an extremely offensive comment. There is nothing coherent to the comment and it is derogatory not just towards me, but to all progressives and all queer people. Part of me just wanted to delete it and be done with it, but I felt like I needed a second opinion. Personally, I am not offended by cursing. Occasionally, I have even cursed in my writing. But when I'm called a "dumb faggot" and a "shit-coward," I tend to be annoyed. I don't care that people have different opinions. I welcome healthy debate. Clearly, the comment is not part of a healthy debate. Part of me looks at that comment and shouts "why the hell should I give a nano-second more of my time to the idiot?!?" Why not just delete the comment and move on? I think that would be censorship and since very few people bother to talk to me on any level about the ideas I express on this blog, I'm compelled to give Greg (the commentor) some air time.
Mi chavo, aka Blind Boy Grunt, convinced me to post the comment and offer this explanation. Maybe this idiot will compel you to leave a word or two. No need to respond to him. But you can tell me if you think the comment deserves to be saved and why or why not.
Posted by cj at May 9, 2005 4:50 PM
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