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May 9, 2005
My Senator, Richard Durbin, on John Bolton's Nomination
Through one of several activist websites, I sent emails to my Congressional representatives stating my disapproval on Bolton as the next UN Ambassador. (Frankly, I think the man belongs in prison for his crimes against humanity during the 80s, but that's just me.)
Here is Senator Durbin's response, minus my address:
May 9, 2005One other note: his emailed letter was not right-justified. I did that to make it easier to read.Ms. Cynthia Minster
[my address ommited from this posting]Dear Ms. Minster:
Thank you for letting me know of your opposition to the nomination of
John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.I share your view that John Bolton is the wrong person to serve in this important position. Mr. Bolton has strongly disparaged efforts to pursue international cooperation on important global issues through the United Nations; he has brow-beaten intelligence analysts who refused to alter their findings to suit his political views; and he has belittled the value of peacekeepers in solving civil conflicts. More broadly, and most importantly, Mr. Bolton has been dismissive of the basic notion that it is frequently in our national interest to work with other nations in addressing issues of international concern.
At a time when we should be strengthening our ties with our allies and the broader international community, President Bush's choice of John Bolton as our representative to the U.N. is particularly inappropriate. I will oppose Mr. Bolton's nomination should it be brought to the full Senate for a vote.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me, and please feel free to stay in touch.
Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator
Posted by cj at May 9, 2005 3:03 PM
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