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May 3, 2005
Local Journalists Receiving Death Threats From Iraqi Officials
Add this to the growing list of examples of how the USG is funding an anti-democratic state in Iraq:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A photographer for a Baghdad newspaper says Iraqi police beat and detained him for snapping pictures of long lines at gas stations. A reporter for another local paper received an invitation from Iraqi police to cover their graduation ceremony and ended up receiving death threats from the recruits. A local TV reporter says she's lost count of how many times Iraqi authorities have confiscated her cameras and smashed her tapes.From "Iraqi press under attack from authorities in Iraq," By Mohammed al Dulaimy with contributions by Hannah Allam, Knight Ridder Newspapers
Ain't it great to know we're fostering a culture of freedom in Iraq?
And in case you missed the NYT Magazine cover story on Sunday, you must check it out. It explains how American advisors to the counter-insurgency in Iraq are the same war criminals who worked in El Salvador. Here's a link - "The Way of the Commandos" by Peter Maas
Posted by cj at May 3, 2005 12:20 PM
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Why do u dumb faggots on the left keep trying to brand Republicans as what u shit-cowards have been for decades:murderers,fascists,cowards and theives?Are u afraid of getting the shit beat out of u more and more(Afghan/Iraq/USA Nov.2)?You're losing bad,u fucking hypocrites!Eat shit and die slow u fucking yellow faggot assholes!
Posted by: greg at May 7, 2005 2:54 PM
The post above is a testament to the level of discourse engaged by some.
Posted by: APerson at May 9, 2005 5:50 PM
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