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May 3, 2005

Blaming Young Enlisted People for Systemic Prison Abuse Problems

Army Pfc. Lynndie R. England plead guilty yesterday for her part in the Abu Graib prison abuse scandal. The judge almost rejected her plea, because she initially told him that she received an order from a superior who was a trained military police officer and assumed it was a legal order.

By the way, the superior officer was Cpl. Charles A. Graner Jr. who is believed to be the father of England's infant son.

The court took a recess so England could be taught by her lawyers to declare her personal culpability in the crime.

More info:
"Army Private Pleads Guilty to Prison Abuse: Jury to Decide Her Sentence This Week," by T.R. Reid with contributions from Josh White in WaPo

Posted by cj at May 3, 2005 12:34 PM

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