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May 26, 2005
Protestors - Esp Women - Attacked in Cairo
Horrific things are happening in Egypt, with USG approval and support. Shame on our elected and unelected officials, especially Laura Bush.
From WaPo:
CAIRO, May 25 -- A nationwide referendum on multi-party elections in Egypt turned violent Wednesday as pro-government mobs attacked and beat demonstrators on the streets of the capital.Emphasis added.Officials of President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party, or NDP, led hundreds of young men who attacked anti-government demonstrators. Journalists and witnesses at the scene of several incidents, including this correspondent, saw riot police create corridors for stick-wielding men to freely charge the demonstrators. Women were particular targets, with at least five pulled from the mass of mostly male demonstrators on the steps of the Journalists' Syndicate in central Cairo and subjected to slaps, punches, kicks and groping. The blouses of at least two were ripped.
More info (including specifics on the attacks against women) at:"Protesters Attacked in Cairo: On Voting Day, Pro-Mubarak Mobs Beat Dissenters," by Daniel Williams in WaPo
Last graph from the LAT:
A British employee of the Los Angeles Times was among the journalists who were assaulted. She was groped and harassed by a crowd of pro-Mubarak supporters, then forced to the ground and kicked in the stomach and back. She escaped with bruises."Anti-Mubarak Protesters Beaten in Cairo," by Megan K. Stack with contributions by Jailan Zayan and Hossam Hamalawy in LAT
Posted by cj at May 26, 2005 10:26 AM
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