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May 25, 2005
Official US Relations with Egypt and the Middle East
I don't know how many of you have been following the news about
"changes" in Egypt's election laws. I've been reading about it in the
Washington Post and saw the Prime Minister on Meet the Press two
Sundays ago. It's very frustrating that there isn't more outcry
against the Mubarak regime's pretend reform of election law. What's
particularly irritating (though not surprising) is that the First Lady
defended their "steps towards democracy" on Sunday and reiterated her
support yesterday. She also endorsed the creation of the Apartheid
Wall in Palestine / Israel.
Further Reading:
"First Lady Says Mideast Change Will Be Slow: Diplomatic Mission Ends With a Nod to Differences," by Jim VandeHei, WaPo
"In Egypt, Opposition Stymied by the State," by Daniel Williams, WaPo
Posted by cj at May 25, 2005 12:57 PM
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