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June 6, 2005

Courageous Iraqis Leading the Way to Change

Despite the many setbacks, courageous Iraqis are re-building and maintaining a national oil pipeline while others report on current events despite repeated death threats.

Of course, the USG doesn't want you to know about these people. Particularly the General Union of Oil Employees (GUOE), whose members outperform private sector employees and maintain their refineries to a far better degree than the private corporations preferred by the Bush administration/coalition forces/"Iraqi government." Details in "Iraq's other resistance: Oil workers in Basra are ready to fight privatisation," a commentary by Greg Muttitt in The Guardian.

And if you listened to the Shrub administration, you'd think all independent Iraqi journalists were working for the insurgency. "Press in Iraq Gains Rights But No Refuge: 85 Workers Killed in 2 Years," by Jonathan Finer with contributions from Omar Fekeiki and Bassam Sebti in today's WaPo explains how important Iraqi journalists are to creating a truly democratic society in Iraq, and how dangerous the work is.

Posted by cj at June 6, 2005 12:45 PM

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