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June 7, 2005

Keep Your Laws Off Our Bodies

I was reading Heretical Ideas today, which reminded me of the battles we continue to face to keep politics and morals out of personal health decisions. Then I read the Hardball email (not sure why I still read this, since I haven't had cable in four months), and found Thomas Oliphant's op-ed "My journey into darknes."

Oliphant's essay is worth reading from beginning to end. It's a personal story that could be anyone's story. So, I don't think I'm giving anything away by relaying the last graph:

This place where I have been is a dark one. The one thing I know is who belongs there -- your family and the pros. No one else, especially not the government. You want the loving hands and the healing ones to bring you home or let you go.
Whether we're talking about creating life, ending life, or anything in between, the decisions should be made by you with help from your family and doctors.

Posted by cj at June 7, 2005 5:00 PM

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