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June 28, 2005
My Congressman Rocks!
Okay, we all know that politicians give up their moral compasses when they walk into Congress. Or at least that's what some people believe. If you're a walk-the-party-line Republican, you might also believe that "politics" is a dirty word. Anyway, through one of the many online activist websites where you click and they send emails to your Congress people for you, I wrote to my new Congressman about Abu Ghraib. Here's his response, minus my address and today's date:
Thank you for your recent letter concerning prisoner abuse and torture. I share your concerns about this situation and I believe it is vital that Congress play a strong role in maintaining oversight in the actions and policies of our armed forces.For a Congressman, that is one amazing statement, don't you agree?The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have given rise to several well-publicized cases of prisoner abuse and inhumane treatment by representatives of the United States government. Congress must act to prevent such incidents in the future, and make it clear that torture and human rights violations are not to be tolerated in the United States Armed Forces.
I recently supported Congressman Curt Weldon's amendment, H.Amdt.534, to the 2005 Defense Appropriation Bill, H.R. 4200, which would destroy the Abu Ghraib prison and replace it with a modern detention facility. This amendment is a step toward ensuring that the human rights abuses suffered there will end. I also joined an overwhelming bipartisan majority in supporting Congressman Duncan Hunter's amendment, H.Amdt 535, which expresses concern for the abuse of persons in custody in Iraq.
Additionally, I have co-sponsored Congressman Henry Waxman's bipartisan bill, H.R. 2625, which establishes an independent commission to investigate pre-war intelligence gathering. Unfortunately this bill did not pass in the 108th Congress, but as the 109th Congress convenes I will push for the passage of this and all similar measures. I will keep your thoughts in mind if I have an opportunity to act on H.R. 952.
Again, thank you for sharing your views about this important matter. Please check my website at www.house.gov/emanuel for continued updates on my work, and do not hesitate to contact me again about those issues that are important to you. It is an honor to serve you in the U.S. Congress.
Rahm Emanuel
Member of Congress
Posted by cj at June 28, 2005 10:00 AM
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