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August 27, 2005

Even Men Get It: There is No Democracy Without Women's Rights

The listserv of the Feminist Peace Network sent me to Derrick Z. Jackson's op-ed in the Boston Globe, "What are women fighting for?"

There's nothing new in the editorial. It did let me know about an American woman, Fern Holland, who got killed with two co-workers for helping write the draft Iraqi constitution.

It also points out the lie that Shrub loves to tell - that the constitution guarantees minority rights and women's rights. Which, just to be clear, are two different things. Point of fact, there are more women in Iraq than men (primarily because of decades of war).

Today's Papers
reports that Sunni legislators have rejected the draft bogus constitution, so the only way to get the religious-laden, rights-withdrawing piece of crap into law is a national referendum, which could be negated by 3 provinces voting down the crap by a 2/3 margin.

Posted by cj at August 27, 2005 10:18 AM


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