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August 27, 2005
Newly Discovered News Source: IMEMC
The International Middle East Media Center is located at http://www.imemc.org. This is an online English-language daily with non-partisan up-to-date accounts and analysis from Israel/Palestine.
Interesting news from IMEMC:
Abbas: "Israel should evacuate W. Bank settlements"
"This withdrawal is not a Palestinian or Israeli victory", Abbas said, "It is a victory of peace for everyone". [...]"The Palestinian and the Israelis should start talking about the future of the West Bank, Israel should freeze all of its settlement activities, Europe should practice more pressure regarding this issue".
"Poll: Majority in Israel support more withdrawals from"
As many as 54 percent of the Israelis said they believe the Israeli government should withdraw from more territories in the West Bank and to reach peace with the Palestinians, while a bigger majority believed that the unauthorized outposts in the West Bank must be dismantled, a poll conducted by the Israeli Newspaper Yedioth Ahronot showed.It is hopeful that both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Israeli people support more withdrawals from the West Bank.
In related news, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice last Wednesday. He spoke to her about several things, including Israel's $2.2 billion additional aid request. More details at "Olmert calls on Palestinian Authority to disarm militants," in Haartez, an independent Israeli daily newspaper.
My thanks to my fellow WCUSP leadership team members for directing me to the above websites. WCUSP = Women Challenge U.S. Policy: Building Peace on Justice in the Middle East, a national campaign of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Posted by cj at August 27, 2005 9:04 PM
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