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August 29, 2005

Obama on Ocean Protection

Through Barbara Boxer's PAC, I sent messages to my representatives re protecting our oceans. Surprisingly, Senator Obama wrote me back with a very positive response:

Dear Cynthia:

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about our ocean policy and your support for S. 1224, the National Oceans Protection Act of 2005. I appreciate knowing your thoughts on such an important issue.

I am committed to protecting our oceans and ensuring that we develop a comprehensive national ocean policy that will conserve and enhance the tremendous resources the seas offer. As you may know, the Oceans Act of 2000 required the formation of a U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy to make findings and issue recommendations to the President and Congress. In 2004, the Ocean Commission released its report, providing us with the first wide-ranging assessment in many years of the state of our oceans. The report recommended a range of important policy proposals, including strengthening the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, doubling funding for ocean research, reforming fisheries management policies, and creating measurable water pollution reduction goals.

S. 1224 would require the U.S. to formulate a long term policy on ocean conservation and management of marine resources. As such, the recommendations of the Ocean Commission will play an important role in the discussion of this bill, as well as any other legislation introduced on our national ocean policy. S. 1224 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Although I am not a member of that committee, I have urged my colleagues who serve on that panel to take timely action on S. 1224. I hope the Committee will recommend ocean policy legislation to the full Senate this year.

Thank you again for contacting me, Cynthia. I hope you will continue to keep in touch with me on this and any other issue of concern to you.


Barack Obama
United States Senator

Go, Barack! I've been consistently impressed by his office's ability to respond to my emails, even when I don't use his web form. And thank you to the LA WILPF email list for alerting me to Boxer's PAC for Change.

Posted by cj at August 29, 2005 9:56 PM


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