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October 24, 2005
Big Brother Still Watching...
The FBI doesn't want you to worry about its secret access to your emails, online transactions, and bank statements. It feels okay not even following its secret court's procedure for obtaining "warrants."
The Electronic Privacy Information Center thinks the FBI is full of crap and is suing. The document EPIC obtained details (with plenty of black outs) thirteen probable violations of intelligence gathering. The FBI's access to your private correspondence and records was vastly increased by the "USA Patriot Act."
It is really appalling how much we US citizens will put up with from our government. I suppose as long as they keep the black-listing to secret tribunals, the masses will continue to assent to this neo-McCarthyism.
More info: "FBI Papers Indicate Intelligence Violations: Secret Surveillance Lacked Oversight," by Dan Eggen in WaPo
Posted by cj at October 24, 2005 7:30 AM
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