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October 18, 2005

Workers Gettin Screwed in America

Yesterday, General Motors and the United Auto Workers reached a tentative deal that will slash healthcare benefits for workers and retirees, to save costs since GM has been in the red for a few quarters. The LAT points out that news is part of a larger trend - workers are being asked to work harder for less pay and miserly benefits. The number of employers offering any healthcare benefits has drastically decreased since 2000. Let's be clear: access to affordable healthcare should be a right, not a priviledge. As executive pay continues to skyrocket, the vast majority of US workers are making do with much less. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to increase in our "land of opportunity." This isn't some socialist diatribe - its just the facts, ma'am. A business writer was on NPR this morning talking about how companies are clamoring over elite workers, enticing them with huge bonuses and perks. He also admitted that the vast majority of US workers are "a dime a dozen" and don't have any leverage in compensation negotiations. Yahoo for the new wild West.

more info: "U.S. Labor Is in Retreat as Global Forces Squeeze Pay and Benefits," by David Streitfeld in the LAT

Posted by cj at October 18, 2005 8:39 AM


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