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November 1, 2005
Democrats Find Juevos, Force Investigation into Cause of US War on Iraq
While I was busy working this afternoon, the Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid forced the Senate to do its job of oversight of the Administration by calling a Secret Session and forcing action on the Intelligence Committee's probe of the creation of the intelligence that was the basis for invading Iraq in 2003.
Senate Rule 21 which can force the Senate to go into closed session - calling all Senators to the floor and kicking everyone else out - is usually not used as a surprise element by the minority party. The Democrats have finally shown some national leadership by forcing the Senate to create a new bipartisan committee to report on the progress of the Intelligence Committee's investigation into how the Administration sold the US public on going to war.
More information:
"Democrats close Senate to push war probe: Deal struck to advance investigation on prewar intelligence," by CNN with contributions by Ted Barrett
Initial Reactions at AMERICAblog
Senate goes to closed session by BarbinMD on Daily Kos, including explanation of the Closed Senate Rule
partially cross-posted from US WILPF blog.
Posted by cj at November 1, 2005 9:08 PM
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