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November 2, 2005
U.S. Foreign Aid Spending in 2006
When bills are passed by the House and the Senate, they go to a review committee for reconciliation, to create a unified bill that then must be passed by both houses before it becomes law. The review committee for the foreign aid budget has completed their work. Of interest:
The bill also has $150 million in economic aid for the West Bank and Gaza region, doubling current aid and matching Bush's request. The money is only for projects approved by the U.S. Agency for International Development, not for direct budgetary assistance.From "US lawmakers agree to $20.9 bln in foreign aid," by Vickie Allen for Reuters via AlterNetIsrael would get $2.3 billion in military assistance, up $60 million from current levels and matching Bush's request. [...]
The bill also has $432 million for international family planning programs, keeping the ban Bush insists on against U.S. foreign aid funding for organizations that support or perform abortions.
Basically, our sisters in Palestine and Israel will be bombarded by more U.S.-funded Israeli weapons and our sisters around the world will continue to have inadequate access to healthcare because of the religious beliefs of the U.S. President. I pray that our work as WILPFers, by challenging U.S. policy directly, will help alleviate the harm done by the misguided appropriations priorities of our elected representatives.
Cross-posted from US WILPF blog.
Posted by cj at November 2, 2005 9:41 PM
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