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November 27, 2005
Meet the Press and US Foreign Policy
Senator John Warner (R), Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and Senator Jospeh Biden (D), ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee squared off today on Meet the Press. It represented my favorite parts of the Senate and Sunday morning talk shows.
First of all, both men are articulate, passionate civil servants. True, they are also politicians. But, unlike many party hacks, they have passionate intelligence that they use to lead the country. While Warner refused to comment on his meeting with ten officers with experience on the ground in Iraq, Tim pointed out that Sally Donnelly in Time magazine covered the substance of the meeting.
As he has since the Balkan Wars, Biden presented a balanced view of foreign policy that makes sense and gives me hope for the future of this country. I don't know anything about his domestic priorities, but I know when it comes to international relations, I have not heard a politician I agree with more than Joe Biden. Too bad his hair is thinning considerably, making him unlikely to gain the support needed to become the leader of this myopic, insular and provincial citizenry.
The round table was a let down after the intense discussion of Biden, Warner, and Russert. Most interesting was the consternation of David Broder and Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post over the ridiculous poor taste of their fellow Post employee, Bob Woodward, in his handling of his own part within the CIA leak case while acting as a partisan pundit throughout the proceedings.
Woodruff than rambled about bloggers speculating that Republicans mistook Russert for Woodward during their grand jury testimony and Woodruff said she understood the confusion, as she believes both men are great journalists. (Or something like that; the transcript isn't up yet, only the podcast.) Russert replied that while he is friends with Woodruff, he is no Woodward. For my part, my mind is either experiencing a mild case of dyslexia or early morning befuddlement, because during the majority of the roundtable, I thought Woodruff was related to Woodward, because I thought they had the same last name. Turns out Woodruff is married to "Wall Street Journal executive Washington editor Al Hunt, a liberal pundit who also appears regularly on the Sunday talk shows," according to this weird website that came up on top of a Google search for her.
Posted by cj at November 27, 2005 11:09 AM
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