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November 29, 2005
US Congressmen Attempt to Meet with Venezuelan Officials, End Up in Aruba
A delegation of House politicians went to Venezuela yesterday to meet with Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel and others. Customs officials held them up in their airplane for approximately two hours and refused to let them de-board. After speaking with a US Embassy official, the politicians left Venezuela and headed for Aruba (presumably as a layover before returning to the States). According to the head of the airport, the US officials never contacted Venezuelan authorities, and that's the reason they weren't allowed to de-plane.
More info:
CQ Midday Update
"US: Venezuela scuttles visit by congressmen," by Reuters via ABC News
"Venezuela denies entry to Hyde, others," by AP via Chicago Sun Times
"Venezuelan, U.S. officials gave conflicting accounts of 'visit'," from wire reports in News from Russia
Posted by cj at November 29, 2005 2:00 AM
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