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January 12, 2006
Judging Alito
Sometimes I really wonder about all of the hoopla around Supreme Court nominations. I do believe it is an important subject; I just think now is the wrong time to get your feathers riled up. Why? Because somehow - whether fairly or through malfeasance - the US re-elected Bush and a majority Republican Senate and House. That means that the majority of the electorate, or at least the ones who have their votes counted, don't take their right to privacy and the rights of the individual seriously when electing officials. The Democrats aren't always a great option; but I generally believe they are a better option than Republicans. And since the electorate doesn't agree with me, it is possible Roe v. Wade wll be overturned and this imperial presidency will continue unabated.
So what I don't get is how people spend their activist time protesting in the streets against Alito as a Justice. I sure as hell wouldn't vote for him, and I hope my senators feel the same way. And I'm willing to send them an email on the subject. But beyond that, I feel that there are areas of politics more open to change than how my senators vote. Which is why my activist time will be spent understanding the 50th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women; US Policy on Israel and Palestine; and growing the US Section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
In case you're still interested in Alito, the NYT has an editorial that neatly sums up the reasons to oppose his nomination.
Posted by cj at January 12, 2006 7:49 AM
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