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January 13, 2006

Members of the Tribe: Damn Good Breeders

My health has gone steadily downhill this week, culminating in a strep throat diagnosis today. And when I get sick, I tend to not pay as much attention to Hard News. One story really stuck out to me: "Study finds why Jewish mothers are so important," by Maggie Fox of Reuters via Yahoo News

Turns out 40% of Ashkenazi Jews (the ones y'all stereotype as All Jews Everywhere and some fools think I don't fulfill the stereotypes b/c I'm not a neurotic Jewish American Princess), descended from four women. Makes you wonder if that has something to do with the four foremothers my Bible praises (along with three forefathers; we too were polygamous once).

Priceless quote:

What the study also shows, Behar said, is that Jewish mothers are highly valued for a good reason. "This I could tell you even without the paper," he said.

Posted by cj at January 13, 2006 9:42 PM


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