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April 19, 2006
The High Cost of Protesting
Let's be clear: while I generally believe there are better ways to make social change, I support people's right to protest. I've been encouraged by the immigrants' rights rallies that recently swept the nation.
And I'm horrified by the response of an Inglewood, CA principal: she forced elementary school students to relieve themselves in buckets inside their classrooms to "protect" them from the walk outs of nearby high school students. And the Inglewood school district continues to defend the idiot.
More info: "Campus Lockdown Appalls Parents: Some students at an Inglewood elementary school were barred from using the restroom." by Hemmy So in LAT
found via Today's Papers, by Eric Umansky on Slate
Posted by cj at April 19, 2006 12:03 AM
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