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November 3, 2008
I Did It! I Voted!
Ok, so maybe technically I'll be voting in 7 hours, 45 minutes. But it was quite an accomplishment just to fill out the sample ballot.
Most intriguing: it takes 3 pamphlets to read all of the official pro and con stuff. The California General Election Official Voter Information Guide has info on statewide ballot initiatives. It's the easiest to read because it's a big book. The sample ballot has most of the other info for county and school initiatives. And the Voter Information Pamphlet from the LA city clerk feels like a waste of my money, since it only has info on two propositions.
And that ridiculous question - why am I constantly asked to judge judges? I still don't understand the answer. But the LA Democratic Party endorsed candidates.
And the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund compiled as much info on those judicial candidates as you'd ever want - including podcasts.
Here's hoping my neighbors are too busy to join me at the polls tomorrow morning. I've got meetings tomorrow morning at work...
Posted by cj at November 3, 2008 11:17 PM
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