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November 4, 2008

My grumpy morning voting

I got mad this morning. I woke up early to go vote before work. I was in line at 6:53 a.m. Problem was, the county workers who opened the polls decided to let 2 lines form: one at the front and one in the back by the parking lot (a parking lot that was closed on one side).

So instead of getting to move in a timely manner, I had to wait while the flow was let in "evenly" between the lines. But here's the crux: this is the first time ever a line was allowed from the back door. So those of us who have voted before were held up by knowing the "right" door to queue at.

And it gets worse - I was so angry, so frustrated about the old lady looking up my name, so annoyed that my name had to be checked twice (why twice?) that I ran too quickly through the ballot and mismarked a proposition. So, I had to request a new ballot.

Anyway, I'm glad I stuck it out and voted before any state was called. Made my vote feel slightly more meaningful for president. And you know, those LA judges couldn't get in without me. :)

Wow. 8 long years of ineptitude in the electorate and in the party machine has now ended.

Congrats Obama on creating a party machine for the 21st century.

Now it's time to push for more progressive policies.

Posted by cj at November 4, 2008 7:46 PM


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